Probably my best M&P cover attempt. "double entendre" was meant to be mariposa and Papillon's first mission together into the world of raodkill-z.

"Photo ops was a planned follow-up to "double entendre".

This is the image that started "M&P". No story was planned for this; I just wound up with a great picture of a redhead on a motorcycle in the desert. I decided that her name was "Mariposa", which is also the the spanish word for "butterfly". an hispanic-american ex-military mercenary roaming the roadkill-z desert landscape, i decided that she should have a parnter in crime...

a former detective in montreal, papillon is mariposa's traveling companion across the devastated landscape. "Papillon" is also french for "butterfly", which is why the first cover is subtitled "the chrysalis".

this is actually a reconstruction of one of my first attempts at a three-panel cartoon, using comic life to create the framework and the dialogue. i make no apologies.

i wish i had used the word "opressed" instead of "repressed", but otherwise i think this turned out rather well. It was about this time that my computer started really slowing down, undermining my intent for an ongoing three-panel strip.

just some scorpion-bots and a girl whose sabre is of the not-heavy variety. the hair prop i used looks great when it's hanging straight down, but it's so awful when you try to show it in motion that i wound up just putting the text box straight over it. i applied a dark skin to model intended for a "caucasian" appearance; i think the result actually looks ethiopian or eritrean.

"blurry road", a play on a not-really-mad-max movie. intended as a third chapter of M&P, introducing a new (unnamed) character.

pink floyd, messing with our poor anti-heroine's head.

it's just a snake with an apple. what could go wrong?

read each word backwards to understand her spell.

one of my first attempts at book-cover art, i think "summer lightning" turned out magnificently. so fierce!

i made this character after several consecutive computer crashes, each of which destroyed all of my digital models. the joke is that my hispanic vampire, sangria, has told lilith off-screen about the "pendejo"... but lilith doesn't speak any spanish.

just a touch of social commentary

i actually did this after "summer lightning", but i don't think it turned out as well. the posing and composition are decent, but i couldn't get the light right--which means the surfaces don't look good, either. intended for yophiel's origin story.

as my first recurring character, yophiel was spokesmodel (or spokes-nephil, as she called herself) for little-known wonders for several years. in this image, her sister (the fallen angel maraial) has captured her with the intention of replacing her as spokesmodel. poor yophiel is literally tied up off-screen, about to be tormented with an endless loop of what was, at the time, the worst thing to happen to my favorite science fiction franchise...